Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Thomas and Alana started Awanas a couple of weeks ago and they really seem to like it. Kevin and I aren't quite sure what we got ourselves into since it is a nightly practice of scripture and song. However, they like it! It's pretty sweet to hear Thomas sing John 3:16 to the tune of Happy Birthday. You can tell he's quite proud of himself. As for Alana, her favorite song right now is Blue Skies and Rainbows. It's such an angelic voice. I continue to learn new songs from my 5th/6th graders at school that are fun to sing. I'm so outdated, but it's fun to get caught up.

Once again, Sarah and I had our final garage sale this past weekend. So, Saturday we all spent the day together and had a really good time. Of all our garage sales, this was the easiest to clean up. We promise not to do another one for at least 10 years. Who are we kidding, knowing us, it will be in 5 years.

Everything else is going fine, I suppose. This working full time thing is a beating, I must confess. I definitely haven't found the right balance yet. However, I'm hopeful it will come. We are all adjusting! I think what I miss the most is being with the kids and my friends the most.

Today is Kevin's 35th birthday. Happy birthday, dear sweet husband. I love you so much!!!!!!!
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1 comment:

Krista said...

Hey Mer! I haven't blogged in forever!! Love all your pictures! Hope your year is going well! Btw, LOVED your email/pics you sent out recently; good for you guys getting away . . . getting a well-deserved break! =)