Sunday, May 25, 2008


Okay, so I'm tired too tired to figure out how to make this look more polished, so excuse the confusion of this post. Sometimes, I just get tired to ask Kevin for help to make it look the way it should. So, this is what you get.

The next three posts are all pictures from our camping trip this weekend. Really all you need to know is that we had a lot of fun, but sweated like pigs. It was HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Camping with Renton's #1

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Camping with Renton's #2

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Camping with the Renton's #3

This weekend we camped at Lake Lavon with our dear friends, the Renton's. We had loads of fun, but it was HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The kids had a blast. They rode their bikes, swam in the lake, made ice cream by rolling it in coffee cans on the ground, playing all sorts of games, and collecting shells and flowers.

Did I mention it was hot? This trip actually became quite expensive because we kept making trips to Wal-Mart to 'get ice and misc things', but really it was to be in a cool place. And, you know your hot when you aren't a lake water person, but you're eager to jump in the frigid cold nasty water. That's when you know your hot.

However, fun was had by all, but we have declared that we are not Texas summer campers. Try us in the fall.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Family Camping

At the last minute, Kevin and I decided to go camping as a trial run before we go camping the last two weekends in May. We drove to Lake Texoma at a place called Burns Run East in Oklahoma. I have to say that Kevin and I did an awesome job. The kids had a great time hanging around the campsite, swimming at the beach, checking out the Dennison Dam, and sleeping in the tent. All in all, I would say we are officially ready to become professional campers. Here's to many more trips!!!